Wednesday 19 August 2015


Improve your chances of success and make quitting smoking easier…….NOW!

Anne Penman Laser Therapy (APLT) is a drug and nicotine free method to help you stop smoking and detox removing many of the dangerous chemicals that are loaded in a cigarette, poisons like arsenic, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde and the most dangerous of all nicotine. 

To help you beat the addiction and habit smoking creates we combine laser therapy, counselling and back up support.

We know success starts with the first step so for more information and motivation call your local APLT centre and start living a healthier, happier life for you and your family.

Don’t just take it for us, hear it from one of our successful quitters!

Valeree Brown – ‘a 5 star treatment’

‘I walked into the APLT clinic in Tucson, Arizona on 10/18/2007 and Anne's laser therapy not only changed my life it gave me my life back.  Not one minute of regret either.  And after a quick calculation I have saved 12,000 US Dollars on them!!!
You will love those forgotten deep breaths, smells of rain and flowers and the tastes of different foods.
Oh and this was after 35+ years of smoking!

So do it now!’
For more reviews please visit




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