Friday, 4 December 2015


Give the gift of life this Christmas with gift vouchers from

Anne Penman Laser Therapy has been helping people successfully stop smoking, lose weight and beat stress since 1992 with a programme that combines laser therapy with a 24-hour helpline. 

Laser therapy is an increasingly popular, well established, natural, pain-free way to make these major lifestyle changes.

So this Christmas give someone a gift that can help change their life – forever.

Gift vouchers available from your local Anne Penman clinic or center or online on our website -


Thursday, 19 November 2015


You may love smoking but we’re sure you don’t love what it is doing to your body!

We all know the dangers of smoking so why not do something about it – NOW.

Today is the Great American Smoke-out Day……a date in the smoker’s diary that is designed to help you stop.  And the whole Anne Penman Laser Therapy family – worldwide – are here to help with your decision.

Using laser therapy for smoking cessation combined with one to one counselling sees the Anne Penman method change the lives of hundreds of people each year.

This year it could be YOU.

With over a dozen clinics in the States and over 30 worldwide get in touch and make this day one to remember!


Wednesday, 18 November 2015


“I used to spend every day fighting for breath,” says Betty Sweeney, who was diagnosed with COPD four years ago.

“Statistics show that one in four smokers will actually suffer from COPD.  And I was one of the statistics!”
Not any more - Betty is just one of hundreds of smokers Anne Penman has helped stop smoking with her unique laser therapy programme.
Today is World COPD Day - what better day to take that first step for a new healthy life.
Tweet #COUGH to raise awareness of this killer disease.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Good bye Queens Drive, hello Clarkston Road!

After over 20 years our Glasgow headquarters has moved to a brand new location and we couldn’t be more excited.

On street parking, our own space and open when it suits YOU, we look forward to welcoming old and new friends to our new abode.

So why not pick up the phone, drop us an email and come and visit us.

Our new telephone no is 0141637 5956, our new address is 41 Clarkston Road, Glasgow G44 3BQ.  Or of course you can get us online at, at or @seeoffthecigs.

We look forward to welcoming you to Anne Penman Laser Therapy – the door is always open.


        Step inside Anne Penman's new Glasgow clinic and you will instantly feel better!





Friday, 25 September 2015


Next week sees the start of Stoptober in England as the Department of Health launch a national smoking campaign but in Scotland it’s quit smoking guru Anne Penman who is flying the flag and encouraging the Scottish nation to stub it out!

She’s decided to hold ZAPTOBER month from next Thursday 1st October north of the border and is asking all her successful clients to spread the word and encourage everyone who asks how they quit smoking to share their story.
‘I think Stoptober is a great idea,’ says Anne who has been helping people stop smoking for 20 years using her unique laser therapy technique.

‘There’s always pressure on people to quit in January and then on No Smoking Day in March but the rest of the year there is nothing.

‘This time of year is good to try to quit before all the Christmas festivities begin. ....and just think of the money you can save for Santa if you stop now!'
Anne is there to support you through your 31 day journey and is full of encouragement to help the nation’s smokers to stub out cigarettes and embrace the beneficial impact quitting will have on them and those around them.
'I think it helps as I am an ex-smoker myself - I've been there and know exactly what it's like.  So set your quit date now for next Thursday and give me a call.'

To talk to Anne or book an appointment call 0141 423 9375



Thursday, 10 September 2015


At Anne Penman Laser Therapy we are delighted to read that smoking rates are in decline in Scotland.

Based on findings from the Scottish Household Survey 2014, which was published this month, the survey indicates that only 20 percent of adults now smoke.

This is a drop from 23 percent based on the 2011 survey.   It’s the biggest fall since 1999.

Public Health Minister Maureen Watt is quoted as saying:

‘These figures show a significant drop in the number of smokers. Smoking is Scotland’s largest cause of preventable ill health and death.’

The long term aim of the Scottish Government is to reduce tobacco smoking to less than 5 percent of the population by the year 2034.

Anne Penman Laser Therapy continues to do their bit to help these falling numbers with our unique PAIN FREE, DRUG FREE, NICOTINE FREE treatment and our aim is to target communities where the rates are still rising and help them quit.

We would also welcome the opportunity to take part in any clinical research aimed at smokers and smoking cessation alternatives.
For more information email APLT on


Friday, 4 September 2015


Now that September has arrived many smokers are seriously considering stopping before the cold weather, colds, flus and chest infections start.

And what’s more if you are a twenty a day smoker and quit you will SAVE a staggering £63 a week!

If you are looking for advice or help on stopping here’s some pointers from the expert – Anne Penman herself:

·        Decide on your quit date and how you are going to stop. If you plan on using a nicotine substitute or drug therapy make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options.

·        Get ready - smoking depletes nutrients from our bodies so taking a multi-vitamin can give you a head start on rebuilding your health.


·        Make water your new best friend, it is a fabulous quit aid that helps keep you hydrated

·        Have fresh fruit chopped and ready to eat. Pineapple helps break down the mucus in your lungs and tangerines are small and easy to eat. Freeze grapes in small bunches to suck while watching TV

·        Sunflower seeds, unsalted cashew nuts, almonds are all great for nibbles.

·        Raw vegetables, fruits and healthy dips for snacking.


·        Drink a cup of calming herbal tea to help you detox and relax

·        Get support, at Anne Penman we provide a 24 helpline to answer questions, give advice or just listen.

And remember to look forward.  Stopping smoking is a great thing to do, not a punishment exercise!  Get excited and start planning on what you will do with your ash cash.

If you decide to use our nicotine and drug free laser option please feel free to contact me via email at or on 07814 522557 to discuss and get help with your quit plan.


Wednesday, 19 August 2015


Improve your chances of success and make quitting smoking easier…….NOW!

Anne Penman Laser Therapy (APLT) is a drug and nicotine free method to help you stop smoking and detox removing many of the dangerous chemicals that are loaded in a cigarette, poisons like arsenic, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde and the most dangerous of all nicotine. 

To help you beat the addiction and habit smoking creates we combine laser therapy, counselling and back up support.

We know success starts with the first step so for more information and motivation call your local APLT centre and start living a healthier, happier life for you and your family.

Don’t just take it for us, hear it from one of our successful quitters!

Valeree Brown – ‘a 5 star treatment’

‘I walked into the APLT clinic in Tucson, Arizona on 10/18/2007 and Anne's laser therapy not only changed my life it gave me my life back.  Not one minute of regret either.  And after a quick calculation I have saved 12,000 US Dollars on them!!!
You will love those forgotten deep breaths, smells of rain and flowers and the tastes of different foods.
Oh and this was after 35+ years of smoking!

So do it now!’
For more reviews please visit




Thursday, 13 August 2015


‘I tried all the usual stuff to help me quit,’ says Mary Ann Perrow, from the east coast of Scotland, ‘but it was a chance meeting with a guy at work one Friday who changed my life.

‘He told me he and his mate had quit when the smoking ban came into force – and they had got laser treatment.  When I got home that day I Googled it ……….and Anne Penman Laser Therapy was top of the list.

‘I read Anne's story, discovered there was a location near me in Fife – and emailed Christine Susans, who runs it, straight away.  I wanted to quit before my holiday to Las Vegas to celebrate my 50th birthday in June this year.

‘On the Monday I headed along to Christine's for my first session…… and haven't touched a cigarette since.  I’ve never even had the notion for one.  Pretty amazing for someone who smoked for the past 35 years!’

If you’re thinking of stopping smoking read more Anne Penman success stories here at



Wednesday, 5 August 2015


For many new mums breastfeeding is a huge challenge without the added question of should a mother who smokes cigarettes breastfeed?

We know breastfeeding provides many immunities that help babies fight illness. It can help counteract some of the effects of cigarette smoke on your baby: for example, breastfeeding has been shown to decrease the negative effects of cigarette smoke on a baby’s lungs.

The more cigarettes you smoke, however, the greater the health risks for you and your baby. If you can’t stop smoking, or don’t want to stop smoking, it’s safer for your baby if you cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Researchers believe that not only does the nicotine transferred into mother’s milk upset baby but the passive smoke in the home acts as an irritant. Heavy smoking by breastfeeding mums occasionally causes symptoms in the breastfeeding baby such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea.

That is certainly a good reason to stop but we know often that is easier said than done – even if you desperately want to for the sake of your baby.

Of course best of all is to stop altogether but if you are finding that impossible cut down. The less you smoke, the smaller the chance these difficulties will arise.

Don’t smoke immediately before or during breastfeeding. It will inhibit let-down and is dangerous to your baby.  If you are going to smoke go outside or into another room and do it immediately after breastfeeding to cut down on the amount of nicotine in your milk during nursing.

Wait as long as possible between smoking and nursing. It takes 95 minutes for half of the nicotine to be eliminated from your body.

We often get calls from new mums who are desperate to stop but concerned about using methods that contain drugs or nicotine.  

If you are seeking a nicotine free way to quit, try Anne Penman Laser Therapy – it’s PAIN free, DRUG free and NICOTINE free. 


Wednesday, 29 July 2015


Many holidaymakers in the UK are planning their holiday around their duty-free allowance and how many cigarettes they can bring back, and most of them are thinking and saying, once I have smoked these I will QUIT. 
If that sounds like you - and you haven't stopped smoking yet - here are some tips to prepare you for your return.

1) It's a good idea to make a plan, set your quit date no more than a week or two ahead of time, so you don't make the process too long and painful.  So if you are off on holiday set that date for immediately after your return.
2) I'm sure you are planning to take advantage of the duty free prices but DON'T bring any cigarettes home with you.
3) Make a list of all your personal reasons for quitting. I know health is the one we all think should be the top priority, but sometimes family, money, new job, a new partner can be a bigger motivation. Make it PERSONAL 
4) On holiday also keep a note of how you felt - were you out of puff walking around, did you sleep well, did you join in all the family activities or was smoking stopping you doing that
5) Be prepared - you've set that quit date for your return so now's the time to arm yourself with lots of information about quitting. Get lots of help and support, check out all the stop smoking aids available and choose one that appeals most to you. 
6) Finally - reward yourself!  Save the money that you would have spent on cigarettes - and BOOK your next holiday!

Keep a quit diary - download it here from



Friday, 24 July 2015

Electronic Cigarettes Reinforce The Smoking Habit

When we quit smoking and substitute something that looks like a cigarette, our brain believes it is a cigarette and looks for more of the same. And for many smokers, it is like hitting a pause button until we can go back to the real thing, especially when we are stressed or in the company of "real" smokers.

Becoming a happy non-smoker and staying that way involves several things: 

1.  Recovering from the physical addiction to nicotine 

2.  Re-programming our brain to accept change and set up new habits

Laser therapy can help the body recover, reduce the stress and anxiety of quitting and most of all help your body detox and get rid of the nicotine. 

If you would like more information on becoming e-cig free, please email 



Tuesday, 17 March 2015


How was your first week as a non-smoker?  Are you elated, celebrating your freedom and loving the extra cash in your pocket?  Or are you struggling to overcome old habits, cravings and change of personality?

Either way here is some advice to help you move on and enjoy being smoke free.

Celebrate every single second, minute, hour, day and week you don’t smoke and know something great is happening to your body.

Don’t think of quitting as a punishment exercise, instead focus on your new way of life. Make sure you have support from family and friends – and don’t forget the Anne Penman helpline.

We know what it’s like so we’re on hand 24/7.

Don’t say it’s only a week - every single minute you don’t smoke is a huge achievement. 

In ONE week all the nicotine and carbon monoxide in your system has gone.  Your sense of smell and taste will have improved and you should be starting to feel more energised and your breathing should be better too.

Just keep reminding yourself exactly why you quit and what are the rewards.

Start counting facts and figures.

Count the number of cigarettes you used to smoking and multiply that by the number of days you have been smoke free. If you smoked 20 a day for 7 days that’s 140 cigarettes – just think that’s 140 times you said no to a cigarette - and each time you said no you added 5 minutes on to your life.

Think of the money you are saving too - plan how you’re going to spend your ASH cash.

A new watch, a holiday – something special that you can use as a reminder of one of the best decisions you have ever made.

So keep up the good work and a week today just think how much better you will feel and how much more money you will have in your ASH cash fund!




Saturday, 7 March 2015


The New Year resolutions are a distant memory – but if you are still a smoker and want to quit – but don’t know how – help is at hand.

‘At this time of year most smokers are beating themselves up about failing to quit at New Year and with No Smoking Day next Wednesday (11th March) it’s even worse,’ says laser therapy guru Anne Penman.  ‘I know what it is like and the pressure you put on yourself to quit – we are here to help, not lecture.

‘I was a 60-a-day smoker for over 19 years – a woman with a passion to smoke,’ says Anne, ‘ I quit my nicotine habit in 1991 after discovering laser therapy and since then I have made it my goal to help as many people as possible make long-term lifestyle changes.’

Laser Therapy is an increasingly popular way to stop smoking.  It uses energy points in the body similar to acupuncture - only using a pain free, harmless, cold laser beam which helps to release natural endorphins. These feel good hormones help to combat the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, including cravings, irritability and high stress levels.

Just think – you could soon experience your first day as a non-smoker able to relax, enjoy socialising and having fun!


Monday, 16 February 2015


Are you embarrassed to admit you are now addicted to your e-cig and feel foolish that you just cannot put the dammed thing down?

I know many people feel e-cigs are the safer option and are very comfortable using them but at Anne Penman we are finding many of our clients now fear they are addicted to e-cigs.

We are now helping people who feel foolish because they just can’t put their e-cig down.  It is constantly in their mouth and in their hand and if the battery is dead or they run out of liquid they feel anxious and have genuine withdrawal symptoms.

That’s because inside each cartridge there is nicotine so that’s why many people are now experiencing restlessness, anxiety and depression. 

Yes, e-cigs are a fraction of the cost of smoking but being totally smoke free is not only a safer option it costs NOTHING!

If you would like help to stop vaping please visit




Friday, 23 January 2015


The most challenging thing about all addictions, especially giving up smoking, is accepting you are addicted.

Most smokers, myself included, think that one day we will decide to quit and just do it………it can’t be that hard, lots of people stop all the time.  People with less willpower than me, people who smoke more than me but as we all know when you do try to quit it is much harder and more scary then you expected.

The first hour feels like a day, the first day like a week, concentration is non-existent and you hear the little voice in your head saying………it’s not a good time to quit, I don’t really smoke that much, I will only have one or two puffs and so it goes on.

I want to reassure you that for many of us this is normal.  It’s the addiction/nicotine talking so don’t feel hopeless.  Smoking is now recognised as a major addiction that requires help, patience and understanding to quit.

Making the decision to quit is the best thing you will do. Don’t be afraid - you are not losing a friend here, you are escaping from a killer!

Get help and support.  We know from our 20+ years’ experience at Anne Penman Laser Therapy that most quitters need a physical intervention combined with counselling and on-going support to succeed.

Plan ahead - addiction hates a well organised quitter.  Change your routine.  Take one day, one hour, one minute at a time. Every time a negative thought comes into your head follow it with a positive thought.

Drink loads of water – it’s your new best friend and have healthy snacks on hand.  Raw vegetables, fruit and ice pops are great substitutes. Get moving, dance, walk, exercise, keep the endorphins flowing and look forward to your new smoke-free life!
Anne Penman uses a pain free, drug-free, harmless, cold laser beam to help smokers quit.