Tuesday, 17 March 2015


How was your first week as a non-smoker?  Are you elated, celebrating your freedom and loving the extra cash in your pocket?  Or are you struggling to overcome old habits, cravings and change of personality?

Either way here is some advice to help you move on and enjoy being smoke free.

Celebrate every single second, minute, hour, day and week you don’t smoke and know something great is happening to your body.

Don’t think of quitting as a punishment exercise, instead focus on your new way of life. Make sure you have support from family and friends – and don’t forget the Anne Penman helpline.

We know what it’s like so we’re on hand 24/7.

Don’t say it’s only a week - every single minute you don’t smoke is a huge achievement. 

In ONE week all the nicotine and carbon monoxide in your system has gone.  Your sense of smell and taste will have improved and you should be starting to feel more energised and your breathing should be better too.

Just keep reminding yourself exactly why you quit and what are the rewards.

Start counting facts and figures.

Count the number of cigarettes you used to smoking and multiply that by the number of days you have been smoke free. If you smoked 20 a day for 7 days that’s 140 cigarettes – just think that’s 140 times you said no to a cigarette - and each time you said no you added 5 minutes on to your life.

Think of the money you are saving too - plan how you’re going to spend your ASH cash.

A new watch, a holiday – something special that you can use as a reminder of one of the best decisions you have ever made.

So keep up the good work and a week today just think how much better you will feel and how much more money you will have in your ASH cash fund!




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