Friday, 25 September 2015


Next week sees the start of Stoptober in England as the Department of Health launch a national smoking campaign but in Scotland it’s quit smoking guru Anne Penman who is flying the flag and encouraging the Scottish nation to stub it out!

She’s decided to hold ZAPTOBER month from next Thursday 1st October north of the border and is asking all her successful clients to spread the word and encourage everyone who asks how they quit smoking to share their story.
‘I think Stoptober is a great idea,’ says Anne who has been helping people stop smoking for 20 years using her unique laser therapy technique.

‘There’s always pressure on people to quit in January and then on No Smoking Day in March but the rest of the year there is nothing.

‘This time of year is good to try to quit before all the Christmas festivities begin. ....and just think of the money you can save for Santa if you stop now!'
Anne is there to support you through your 31 day journey and is full of encouragement to help the nation’s smokers to stub out cigarettes and embrace the beneficial impact quitting will have on them and those around them.
'I think it helps as I am an ex-smoker myself - I've been there and know exactly what it's like.  So set your quit date now for next Thursday and give me a call.'

To talk to Anne or book an appointment call 0141 423 9375



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