Thursday, 21 August 2014


It was interesting this week to see actress Kate Winslet saying her complexion had been 'transformed' after quitting smoking three years ago.
'I suffered from such bad skin in my 20's,' says 38-year-old Kate.
But it's not just your skin you will see changing.......
* Just 20 minutes after your last cigarette your blood pressure and pulse rate drop to normal
* 8 hours after your last smoke the carbon monoxide level decreases and the oxygen level in your blood increases to normal
* 24 hours after your last cigarette you substantially lessen your chances of having a heart attack
* Your circulation will improve and your lung functioning will increase up to 30% within two weeks to three months after quitting
* 5 years after quitting your risk of a stroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker.
So follow Kate's example - and see the benefits of quitting smoking for yourself.




Friday, 8 August 2014


Another week of successes at Anne Penman Laser Therapy - and another week of clients telling us they are getting addicted to e-cigs!
One client, Shirley is not long back from her summer holidays - starting vaping as she thought it looked like harmless fun and now she feels as though she is becoming addicted to e-cigs.
My fear has always been that e-cigs become a habit and that it becomes just as hard for our clients to quit them as the real thing.
I feel so strongly about it as it is becoming the 'in' thing to do - and anything that involves smoking is far from being the 'in' thing.
At Anne Penman Laser Therapy we promote a NICOTINE-FREE, DRUG-FREE way to stop.
Give us a call if you want to find out the best way to quit!