Wednesday, 10 April 2013


It’s my big six-0 this year and despite being in a state of shock I have vowed to do something positive about it!

I have signed up for a very special and powerful event – it’s called the Susan G. Komen 3-Day™ - and takes place in the States each year.

It’s in November and it is a 60-mile journey over 3 days to raise money for research into breast cancer.

 A 60 mile walk for my 60th – I feel it is appropriate.

And instead of birthday presents I would like donations to this amazing charity which raises millions of pounds each year to help in the fight against breast cancer.

This is the second time I have taken part.  In 2005 I walked the 60 miles and raised a lot of money for cancer research.

This time I intend to raise EVEN more!

Breast cancer is part of my family history.  Like so many people I have been affected by breast cancer hitting those closest.  My dear mum Helen and four of my aunts are all breast cancer survivors.  They are the lucky ones.

Every 74 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer.

Hopefully that figure alone will make you reach into your pockets.  I’m hoping to raise £2,500 in donations.  I need your help to reach my goal.

If you would like to make a donation (tax-deductable!) then please follow this link to my personal fundraising page .........

 I hope you will share this incredible adventure with me – I am already in training and will be updating you all on Facebook and Twitter and thank you in advance for your generosity by supporting my fundraising efforts!

 The end of the walk in 2005 - looking forward to reaching that finishing line again in November 2013!