Thursday, 25 October 2012


It may be Stoptober in England as the Department of Health, Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation, run a national smoking campaign but in Scotland we've been flying the flag and encouraging clients, old and new, to stub it out!

‘I think Stoptober is a great idea,’ says Anne who has been helping people stop smoking for 20 years using her unique laser therapy technique.
‘There’s always pressure on people to quit in January and then on No Smoking Day in March but the rest of the year there is nothing.  This time of year is good to try to quit before all the Christmas festivities begin.  I support anything that is going to encourage the nation’s smokers to stub out cigarettes and embrace the beneficial impact quitting will have on them and those around them.’
As Anne's Zaptober campaign comes to an end we'd like to say congratulations to all our success stories - and keep up the good work!

Happy Zaptober!  Anne celebrates with one of her success stories - beauty therapist Linda Jones!




Friday, 21 September 2012


It's taken us this long to recover from our amazing Open House celebrations!
Last weekend we threw open the doors at our headquarters at Queens Drive - and the party began.
Friends old and new; tiny tots and groovy teenagers; trendy grans and great clients all turned up to wish us well.
Anne Gillespie, the first person I ever treated in Scotland was there; school janitor Marie Agnew looking better than ever; young mum Nicola Smith who has started a teeth whitening business with her ash cash - in fact too many to mention them all here.
Make-up artist Terri Craig as ever arrived on Sunday with her box full of tricks and transformed us all while snapper Jack Harper made us all laugh and feel relaxed in front of the camera.
And of course what party would be complete without a cake!
Our very own Rachael baked us cup cakes and a delicious Anne Penman celebration cake.  And Ron and I had the honour of cutting it as everyone toasted the next 20 years of 'happy zapping'.
Thank you to you all - it made our party to see all of you again and reminded us of the wonderful successes we have had through the years.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

20 Years of Happy Zapping!

We're all in party mood at Anne Penman headquarters in Glasgow's southside this week.
It’s an amazing 20 years since I started my laser therapy business here in Scotland.  I just can't believe it so what better time to have a celebration? !
We all like a party and this weekend (Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th September) it's Open House at 158 Queens Drive.  We've invited all her wonderful clients – past and present - to celebrate with us and we hope to have a weekend to remember.
I'll be at the offices from 10am to 4pm each day with the rest of the gang so feel free to pop in. There will be cupcakes and candles; bubbly and beer; there will be raffles and there will be lots of fun and laughter.
And on Sunday we're got make-up expert Terri Craig and snapper Jack Harper doing make-overs so please feel free to bring friends and family to join us.
And here's to the next 20 years of happy zapping!
Look Better, Feel Better, LIVE Better

Monday, 27 August 2012


The phones have been ringing non-stop and the emails have been flooding in – all thanks to the Dundee Evening Telegraph and two of our successful quitters.

Sandra Finan from Dundee had a 30-a-day smoking habit and it was something she never imaged capable of breaking.

She had been a smoker for 45years since the age of 21 but as her health deteriorated she knew she had to try to stop despite trying many times with patches, gum, you name it.

However after one laser therapy session with Anne Penman she stopped.

‘It was like an amazing miracle,’ 66-year-old retired secretary Sandra told the paper.  ‘It was no effort whatsoever and it didn’t take any willpower!’

Another East coast success story - accountant Maggie Wood – was also delighted to share her story with the Evening Telegraph.

She quit her nicotine habit on 1st April 1997 – 28 years after her first cigarette – when she met Anne Penman.

‘The day I met Anne my life changed for the better,’ says 57-year-old Maggie who suffers from asthma.  ‘Anne and her husband Ron were there to meet me on day one and have been my source of inspiration ever since.  They supported me then and I know that support is still there 15 years later.’

Maggie, from Blairgowrie, started smoking when she was 14.

‘I was still at school and it was what everyone did.  You didn’t think about it then, you just thought it was cool,’ she says.

Over the years Maggie tried various methods but nothing worked until her laser therapy treatment.

‘When the smoking ban came into the workplace I was one of the team to oversee the transition period.  My work was very supportive and funded anyone who wanted to go to Anne.  It’s the best thing I did.’

And, Maggie says, the benefits are endless….

       ·        No standing outside in the cold or hanging around looking for a designated place to smoke

·        No smelly home, car or clothes

·        No hogs breath

·        I feel fitter and healthier

·        And best of all I can now fund my shopping addiction with the savings I have made!

 ‘I would recommend Anne’s treatment to anyone.  In fact I’m in the process of trying to talk my husband into trying it as he is struggling to give up.

‘Stopping smoking undoubtedly changed my life – it could be you too.  And hopefully I am testament to Anne’s method.  Here I am 15 years later and still smoke-free!’



Successful quitter Maggie Woods - 15 years smoke-free!





Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Ex-smokers 'gain more weight than thought'

It’s the news every smoker who is thinking of quitting dreads........experts have found that the average weight gain associated with giving up smoking is much higher than previously thought.

People can expect to put on up to 5kg (11lb) within a year of quitting, research published on suggests.

Not if you quit the Anne Penman way!

For as well as using laser therapy for smoking cessation Anne and her team use it for weight loss – and Linda Jones is testament to that.

Mum of two Linda from Ayrshire gave up her smoking habit with us in January 2010 using laser therapy – but quickly put on almost a stone.  However Linda soon lost the extra pounds with the laser and has never felt better or fitter.

‘I know people use it as an excuse and I was worried I would put on weight.  That was why the laser therapy works so well.  Admittedly I did put on almost a stone when I stopped  – but Anne Penman Laser Therapy uses the laser for weight loss as well so within a couple of months I was feeling fantastic – healthy, smoke-free and my weight gain had disappeared.

‘People reading this may want to quit but be worried about the weight gain.  Don’t be.  I was lucky,' says 44-year-old Linda, a beauty therapist, 'because Anne Penman was one of my clients and I suddenly realized I had the answer right in front of me!

‘I started my course of laser treatments in January 2010 – it was my New Year resolution - and I haven’t had a cigarette since then.  The reason I loved the laser – as well as it working! – was it did help me with the weight gain and the stress of dealing with stopping smoking.

‘And with Anne her unique service is she also has a 24 hour helpline so I felt the support package and aftercare were tremendous.’

Smiling, smoke-free and feeling fantastic - that's Linda Jones!

Saturday, 30 June 2012


June has seen much happiness and celebration in the Penman household………and a wonderful addition to the Penman clan.

Baby LUKE GRAHAM PENMAN arrived on June 14th weighing in at  9lbs 5oz ……….and what a bundle of joy he is.
Mum and dad, and Luke’s brothers Blair and Ross are all doing well and we all can’t get enough of him.

I just can’t help thinking how wonderful it is that Ron is here – and healthy – and can cuddle his first grandchild.  And talking of celebrations and enjoying life – Ron and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary at the beginning of June – and what a celebration that was. 
Because it’s not just WHEN you QUIT that changes your life – it’s the long term impact that it has on your life and Ron will be the first to admit that.

If he hadn’t stopped smoking over 20 years ago we wouldn’t have this wonderful family, these happy pictures and celebrations to share with you all.

When Ron had his first heart attack at the age of 37 we never imagined – or could believe – that he would still be here over 20 years later.  We are so happy for that blessing and that is also why we are both so passionate about what we do.

We can honestly say we have just celebrated 25 wonderful years which we thought we would never have.

Love is all around.

Anne and Ron Penman with new arrival - baby Luke

Thursday, 31 May 2012


With two trips to America under my belt since January I’d like to welcome our new owners in the States.  The Anne Penman name continues to grow – and to all of you I say thank you for your commitment, support, enthusiasm and belief.
WELCOME to Christine Zois who has opened a new wellness clinic in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Christine used laser therapy to quit her own smoking addiction and now has a real desire to help others.

WELCOME to sisters Donna Jones and Debra Smith from Paradise, Texas.  Donna quit using Anne Penman Laser Therapy 3 years ago. Her sister Debra is a respiratory therapist who has seen firsthand the damage smoking can do.  Both girls have a passion to help others.  And both have been smokers – they started many years ago by lighting their father’s cigarettes after he had a stroke! 

WELCOME to Karen and Larry Levin, a husband and wife team from Atlanta, Georgia. Karen stopped smoking using laser therapy and has now opened her own center with husband Larry.

Some new members of the Anne Penman team Stateside

Monday, 23 April 2012


The only way to describe Pamela Wallace is a yummy mummy - and now this glamorous mum of two is going to be featured on trendy mums website

Pamela quit her nicotine habit last April - thanks to her young daughter Lucy who talked her into trying to stop.  And after discovering Anne Penman that's exactly what 39-year-old Pamela did.

'I had wanted to quit for years,' says health support worker Pamela, 'especially in my job when you actually see the appalling results of smoking.  But I've got to say it was actually my 11-year-old daughter Lucy who eventually made me stop.

'I think the kids get so much health education at school these days and when she found out I smoked she hated it.  Before I discovered Anne's method of laser for smoking cessation I tried patches, nicotine gum and even went to classes but none of them worked.'

Pamela smoked around 7 cigarettes a day for over 20 years.  She admits she was a secret smoker.

'I felt ashamed at smoking but could never find the will power to stop,' says Lucy who lives in Carluke, Lanarshire with her husand and two children.  'The day I had my first laser treatment was the start of a new life - and a healthy one.

'I would recommend anyone to try out laser therapy so that they can look to the future and have a long, healthy, happy life also.  At first it seemed a lot of money to book the three session course but now when I count up the money I have saved in the last year I realise it is worth every penny.'

And last word goes to Pamela's gorgeous daughter Lucy:

'I'm so glad my mum doesn't smell of cigarettes anymore.'

Yummy mummy Pamela Wallace and her 11-year-old daughter Lucy.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Hairdresser Karen Ronald is feeling on top of the world.
After years of yo-yo dieting the 44-year-old mum of two has never felt better – after using our LASER THERAPY treatment to lose weight.
And today she shares her story with the Daily Record.
Karen, who juggles running 5 hairdressing salons with two being mum to 4-year-old Mason and 9-year old Olivia has dropped two dress sizes – and can’t believe how good she feels.
‘I’ve always been pretty active but always battled with my weight,’ says Karen who lives in Glasgow.  ‘Despite exercising I felt bloated, tired all the time.
‘I think I’ve tried every diet method that was ever invented – from meal replacements to diet pills, 3-day diets, Weight Watchers – you name it.  Then I discovered Anne Penman and the rest is history!
‘My aim was to feel healthy and fit – and that’s exactly how I feel now.  The trigger for me was a special occasion – I had one month to fit into the dress I wanted to wear – that was my goal.
‘I’d lost weight myself before but I knew I had started to eat all the wrong things again, in my head I was all over the place.  In fact if I was in the mood I’d eat everything in sight – and then some more!  I felt out of control, off the rails. 
‘I needed to find something to maintain my weight and get me back in control – laser therapy has done just that.  Before I went to Anne I was squeezing into a very very tight 14 – in fact if I really admit it I should have been buying size 16. Now I’ve lost the weight my size 12 clothes that have been at the back of the wardrobe for years are all comfortable, I feel fantastic!’
‘The whole experience of sitting in Anne’s big leather chair and getting lasered is amazing, it’s so relaxing and once your treatment is complete you feel as though you can take on the world.  For some reason it makes you feel full and you don’t want to stuff your face!’
Karen discovered us online.
‘The name sounded familiar and the minute I met Anne I realized my dad had stopped smoking with her 15 years ago – she also uses the laser for that - and he is STILL a non smoker.’
In fact Karen is such an Anne Penman convert her partner David has also been lasered for smoking cessation – and hasn’t had a cigarette for three months.
‘He was in the military for years and everyone smoked.  He was trying to cut back himself but once I had discovered Anne again I encouraged him to go too.  After two laser sessions he didn’t feel like another cigarette and has been smoke-free ever since.  He’s put himself in social situations and out with the boys and still not been tempted so he is delighted too.
‘Basically we both wanted to get healthy for our young kids – and thanks to Anne we feel as though we are now.’

Karen, her partner David and Mason - a healthy family thanks to Anne Penman!

Friday, 23 March 2012


Cigarettes UP by 37p a packet after the Budget this week!
If you've thought of quitting now is the time to take ACTION.
With a packet of 20 costing the best part of £8 just think of what you could do with all that cash you would save if you QUIT.
We call it Ash Cash - and many of our successful smokers can't believe what they've managed to do with their savings.
Retired publican Betty Sweeney says: 'I just shop, shop, shop!; school janitor Marie Agnew has given her house a make-over - and been on THREE holidays; 20-year-old Gavin Somerville is saving up for a car while grandmother Anne Rouse has been smoke free for two years in April and loves spending her ash cash on her grandchildren - and on holidays.
'I used to spend over £80 a week on cigarettes - and that was two budgets ago!  Apart from feeling so much better I now enjoy spending my ash cash on treating my family.'
So what are you waiting for - start an Ash Cash fund today and just see the money mount up!

Anne Rouse and her husband are enjoying their Ash Cash savings!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Is it time for YOU to quit?
We'd like to thank lots of our success stories who are celebrating their first No Smoking Day smoke-free - I bet they feel fantastic.
Congratulations to yummy mummy Pamela Wallace; joiner John Smith; Jean Grieve; Jim Sharp; mum and daughter Isabel and Kirsty Brogan who stopped exactly a year ago today and David O'Neil to name just a few.
The last year has been busy as ever as we spread the no smoking word.
And new to our team at Anne Penman Laser Therapy are Laura Curtis and Gillean McNeill - doing a first class job getting our unique laser therapy treatment out to new clients wanting to give up - but until now haven't succeeded.
And finally on No Smoking Day 2012 I would like to congratulate Janett Tomasso, from East Kilbride,  who celebrates 20 YEARS smoke free this year.  Janett was one of my first clients and has always promoted us and told everyone how successful laser is.
We thank you Janett from the bottom of our hearts.

Janett Tomasso celebrates 20 years smoke free thanks to Anne Penman Laser Therapy!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

NO SMOKING DAY 2012 - What Kind of Smoker Are You?

From serial smokers to sneaky smokers; from the die hard to the light smoker March is the month that focuses the mind on your addiction.
No Smoking Day is tomorrow, Wednesday 14th March.  Is this the year you plan to do something about it?

'I know what it's like,' says Anne Penman,  'I was a 60-a-day smoker for over 19 years – a woman with a passion to smoke.  I quit my nicotine habit in 1991 after discovering laser therapy and since then I have made it my goal to help as many people as possible make long-term lifestyle changes.

 ‘At this time of year most smokers are beating themselves up about failing to stop after New Year and with No Smoking Day looming that adds to the pressure.   We are here to help, not lecture.’

Smokers have all kinds of excuses and reasons to smoke: they enjoy smoking, smoking helps with stress, smoking keeps their weight down, they can smoke and skip a meal, all their friends smoke and they don’t want to be the odd one out – and so it goes on.

But just think of experiencing your first evening; first morning; first day and first weekend as a non-smoker able to relax, enjoy socialising and having fun.  That's what No Smoking Day is all about - you can do it and we're here to help!

Monday, 30 January 2012


Wow, what a busy month January has been for the Anne Penman team.  We kicked off with an article in the Daily Record - Doing It for the Kids - featuring Danielle Hewitt and her two lovely children Courtney, 10 and Scott, 6 and dad of three Steve Watson telling their stories of how they stopped smoking with us.  We were inundated with enquiries after their inspirational stories.  Next reporter Tracey Bryce from the Sunday Post tried out our laser therapy for weight loss - and voted us top!  While the Scottish Daily Mail ran a competition with us about our Stop Smoking Weekend Retreats which we are planning again for this spring.  It's now countdown to No Smoking Day in March - watch this space!

Danielle with Courtney & Scott outside Anne Penman Laser Therapy Glasgow

Friday, 6 January 2012


Happy New Year to Stella Hoey in Liverpool.
A year ago this month Stella drove from Liverpool to Bridge of Allan to attend our first ever Stop Smoking Weekend Retreat - and hasn't had a cigarette since!
Stella has also become our biggest fan south of the border and has now set up her own Anne Penman Laser Therapy business in the Wirrel.
'As a lifelong smoker I had tried everything to stop but had never managed to quit - until I met Anne,' says mum of 3 Stella.
'I put my meeting with Anne down to fate.  I was sitting in my local doctor's surgery last January and read about her Stop Smoking weekends.  I phoned the number at the end of the article, there was one on the next day so I jumped in my car and drove to Scotland.  It's the best thing I've ever done!'
Now Stella is proud to be a year long non-smoker and have her own business spreading the word.
'Although I have a full time job I felt more people should know about this amazing treatment and be benefiting from it,' says Stella, who runs a William Hill betting shop in Chester.
Her new business is up and running now and she already has one success story, dad of two Chris Parker, who is smoke-free and has never felt better.
'Since giving up smoking my lifestyle has totally changed.  I can play with my kids now without getting out of breath, I go to the gym, I eat better and can actually taste the food, my teeth always feel clean and best of all I don't smell like an ashtray!'
Last word goes to Stella, pictured below with Chris:
'I'm so passionate about this therapy.  Every smoker should have the chance to try this amazing changes lives, it certainly did mine!'

Monday, 2 January 2012


Happy New Year to everyone - Ron and I are certain it is going to be a positive, prosperous year for all of us.
We truly believe that with the right support we can achieve anything - and what better time of year to re-iterate this and wish you all a happy and healthy 2012.